Below is a link to take you to an article written about Josh, by a freelance journalist.
Josh has voluteered at the FIFA world cup in Dunedin and found it to be an amazing time, and this is a big thanks to all the volunteers that supported him.
Hi All, just to advised that the coffee club, will be at the Dunedin Botanical Gardens, over the winter. Please see the poster below for details. In terms of time etc. If you have any quesitons, please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
PRESS RELEASE: Enabling Love & Friendship - Social Education Course
*New service update
Enabling Love and Friendship (ELF) is delighted to announce its first social education course for people 18+ to guide them when it comes to dating, relationships and friendships.
ELF is a non-profit organisation for people living with disabilities, run by people living with disabilities.
Their aim is to provide a safe environment for individuals to meet new friends and form new connections & relationships.
The social education course will take place over six weeks and focus on the following topics: communication, friendship, skills, emotions, participation & sexuality. Participants will receive resources to take home after each session.
Barbara Fogarty, a top New Zealand disability researcher of the last 10 years, will be running the course. We are delighted to have Barbara on board as she brings a wealth of experience having worked at Otago Polytechnic, Otago University, presenting at top international conferences and having significantly contributed to the New Zealand disability community.
Enabling Love & Friendship CEO Joshua Perry has worked on this project for the last two years, and is thrilled to get it underway finally. The organisation will use data from the course to run future courses and if it is well-received the aim is to roll it out nationally.
ELF encourages people from the disability community to sign up and have the opportunity to make some new social connections as well as learning some new skills that they can use in their daily lives.
Thanks go to our funders: Otago Community Trust and Ministry of Social Development - Te Korowai Whetu Social Cohesion.
Cost: Members/Groups $10 for full course, non-members $35 for full course. Includes weekly catering and a final celebration lunch.
It will take place at Dunedin Community House, 301 Moray Place, Dunedin
Tickets are available from Eventfinda
Joshua is more than happy to answer any further questions that people may have or if further information is required.
Please email on: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit the website (
Here are some photos from the recent Canbead event. It was a great afternnon thanks to Rose the instructor and Dawn her manager, and Josh CEO from Enabling Love and the team.
Hi All,
Josh is looking forward to catching up with you all this Thursday the 23rd of February at the Otago Museum Cafe, 1.00-2.30pm.
Bring a friend.
See you all on Thursday.
Hi All,
Please note there is a new venue for the Auckland Event this Saturday the 4th of February, It will now be held at City Works Depot, Wellesley Street, West. The Eventfinda link is:
Down For Love Season 2
Attitude Pictures is currently casting DOWN FOR LOVE Season 2, a primetime television series for TVNZ 2. Made in consultation with NZDSA, Down for Love focuses on people living with Down Syndrome and other intellectual disabilities and follows them as they navigate dating.
If you are 18 or older, live with Down Syndrome or another intellectual disability, and are looking for the love of your life - and if you want to explore local dating options or learn the tools to woo your future partner - we would love to hear from you!
Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you are interested.
With a sensitive and dignified approach, this documentary highlights the strength and diversity of the intellectually disabled community in New Zealand.
If you haven’t seen it already, you can check out Season 1 now on TVNZ+. Attitude Pictures is a production company with a strong history of providing respected and respectful health and disability content, and also produces the ATTITUDE series.
Enabling Love- Taupo- Dinner and Bring something to show and tell.
Thursday 22nd of September, 6.30pm at Cozzie Club, 6 Taniwha Street.
Your host is Sami , you can contact her at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
On Tuesday the 11th of October, 1.30-3.30pm at Dunedin Community House (Alexander McMillan room)
we are hosting a workshop on- The future of the disability sector in Otago and how we can combat social isolation.
Below is the link about it:
Hi all,
We warmly invite and hope to see you at our bowling event Thursday 23rd June, at 1:30pm.
Please know that your friends and family are more than welcome to attend.
- Enabling Love & Friendship